Easter Basket Ideas - Inspired by The Story of Home

My second picture book, The Story of Home, is coming out soon, and wouldn’t she be so pretty in an Easter basket near you? My friend Megan found some really cute stuff that would pair so beautifully with it. Here are some links:

The Story of Home [get the picture book here!]

honey bee shirt [because tees]

branch pencils [amazon]

sunglasses [fancy version | walmart version]

lemon stuffie [jelly cat - this boutique has a great price]

wooden tree toy set [amazon]

scented bubbles [ever eden - hello EDEN!]

wooden house [kiwi & co]

woodland puzzle [amazon]

picnic blanket [similar]

Free Easter iPhone Wallpaper

Free Easter iPhone Wallpaper

For over a month, my phone has been wearing this Valentine's theme donut wallpaper that I doodled, and frankly, Ida is a little embarrassed about it. Ida, of course, is my iPhone. I've created some new Easter duds for her, and in case your sense of personification is also out of control, Ida and I have decided to share. Enjoy! 

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Why the Resurrection Matters

Why the Resurrection Matters

It’s another terrifying story of a mother’s worst nightmare, and it makes my heart stop. “God, NO. This is enough. Please let there never be another story like this one!” I bang my fists on the counter, looking at my own children and cannot fathom how I could ever endure the loss of them. Sometimes the fear smothers me. My faithless heart screams, “God, you say you are the Comforter, but how could there ever be enough comfort for this? How will you ever comfort her?” My kids scream for more juice, and I find myself grateful for their screams, desperate for them to always be around to scream.

I’ve never been in a place where my faith has to hold up under the weight of something this heavy, but oh, how I have railed at God on behalf of those who have.

Just the night before, a dear friend of mine was in an unusual position, watching her brother play the part of Jesus in a local Passion Play. She said it was startling, overwhelming, to watch someone you know and love, someone you laugh with, be beaten, nailed to a cross. It was a reenactment of course, but a powerful one, and my friend noted, “It’s just so crazy to remember that it actually happened.”

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