Book Recommendations for the Frazzled
/Welcome to my adorable internet bookshelf. All of the pages are in pristine condition and all of the books stay on the shelf exactly where I left them and will not be shoved off or scribbled in by tiny illiterate children WHO HAVE THEIR OWN BOOKS BUT PREFER TO MESS WITH MINE. Anywho.
There's never enough time to read all the things I want to read, so I get pretty grumpy when I end up with a dud of a book. Especially since I have to finish most every book I start because of that English class anxiety that apparently still hangs around when you're 31 years old. CAROLINE, MRS. CRAIG IS NOT GOING TO LEAP OUT OF THE BUSHES IN FRONT OF YOUR HOME AND JUDGE YOU FOR NOT FINISHING THE BONHOEFFER BIOGRAPHY. (You guys, it is very long. Meaningful, but long—too long for a spazzy mother of toddlers and also I made a silly joke about his name that I regret immensely and it made it difficult for me to take anything seriously plz send help.) But really, I usually finish books I start, and I want you to know that this bookshelf contains books that I enjoyed finishing and may even have read a second or third time. You can click on each of the pictures to look them over on Amazon if you want.
Now books are like haircuts: some of them don't work for anyone at all (hi, mullet!), and some of them don't work for specific people (hi, bangs!). I can guarantee that none of the books on this little shelf are mullets, but if you read one, and know it's not for you in this season, that's okay. Maybe your current frazzle does not match the frazzle that was frazzling me. But these books were my JAM, specifically BLACKBERRY JAM, which is my favorite, and I think I'll add other favorites (books, not jam) to this post as I think of them. I AM GLAD I INCLUDED MULLETS AND BLACKBERRY JAM AND MRS. CRAIG IN A POST ABOUT BOOK RECOMMENDATIONS. You can count on me for that kind of thing.
Would love to know your favorite books, ones that meant something to you when you were feeling frazzled or the ones that meant something to you for no reason at all! Would also love to know your favorite jam. And if you know anyone who has looked particularly dazzling in a mullet.
Happy reading!
Daring Greatly by Brene Brown
For anyone who feels afraid to be seen. Anything by Brene Brown is probably going to rock your world. Watch her famous Ted talk if you don't believe me.